"I've been letting my mind wonder at night. My thoughts should have a curfew." Am Kidd

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Heat relief!


It's been a heck of a weekend. The heat and high humidity had me looking and feeling like the cat in the photo. I swear, my voice "sounded" deeper. It was horrible. Even the birds were quiet! 

Then this afternoon, when using the last of my strength I crawled outside to water the plants... I noted something strange... I mean, I could actually "breathe"!   


I rushed back to the house, turned off the AC, opened all the windows and stood there watching the curtains move like sails... 


"Summer breeze makes me feel fine
Blowing through the jasmine in my mind..."

I am so excited I don't even know what to do next!


But before I go and get lost in some wonderful adventure :0) I wanted to thank all of you, my dear friends, for the sweet comments and words of encouragement left on my last post. I am humbled, honored and ever so grateful!

Hope everyone has a lovely week! XO