"I've been letting my mind wonder at night. My thoughts should have a curfew." Am Kidd

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Wishes

(Image Source: Weheartit.com)

As the year gets ready to close I somehow picture it as the girl on this image. Tired, pensive, disheveled clothes, tangled hair adorned with a crown made of dried twigs and vines. Someone who's lived through many events. Someone who's seen both, good and bad. Someone who's been caught in the rain and laid to dry under a scorching sun. Someone who's lived to the fullest. Someone who now must go to rest and regroup.

This has been such a year for me. Exciting but quite exhausting. I welcome the snow and the shorter days.  I find it easier to slow down and organize my home during the Winter. I am looking forward to a new look inspired by this poster I found while I was doing my  Christmas shopping.  I fell in love with the vibrant colors and decided to have it framed. Isn't she just fun?

I can't help but smile every time I climb the stairs and see it.

It's definitely a far cry from the soft shades of pink I had lived with for so long

but I have a feeling red will be "the" new color for me and for Abby as well lol

In  any case, I wanted to sit for a moment and wish you a magical New Year. May you be happy and healthy and may your world be painted in colors that make you smile.



  1. Alina you have a wonderful eye for colour, your schemes always look amazing.
    Have a very happy new year, may 2013 bring you all good things xx

  2. Happy New Year, Alina!

  3. Te deseo un año lleno de felicidad y alegria y que se cumplan tus sueños.
    Mucha salud amor y paz.

    Happy new Year, Alina !

    From Spain. Abril

  4. Alina,
    I am in love with this picture. Red is such a pretty picture, and I love the red rose she is wearing. I also have splashes of red in my home. Abby looks so cute in her sweater. This was an exhausting year for me too with the wedding and all. I hope the new year brings both of us peace and joy, and how I would love to play in your snow.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


Albert Schweitzer said "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit" I thank you all!