"I've been letting my mind wonder at night. My thoughts should have a curfew." Am Kidd

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Little Bee", a novel by Chris Cleave.

I suppose we all have our own personal ways to chose the books we read. Older books call me, not necessarily "classics" but just older, off the beaten path.  This preference of mine could make me feel quite lonely in the sense that no one I know has heard about any of the writers I mention.

I am constantly prowling flea markets, garage sales, and charity shops in search of something that catches my eye. I first look at the cover (yes, I know, one should never judge a book by it's cover, but who really listens to good advise?) then open the first page and read the first few words. I'd know right there and then whether or not I'll take it home with me.  It's almost like love at first sight, a connection, a chemistry. 

In my searches I also find that in addition to the cover and the first few words, the size of the book plays a role. I absolutely love small books that are easy to carry and rest on my chest and "still my heart."  

A couple of days ago I visited our local library and just as I was passing the "newer book section" I spotted "Little Bee." The bright yellow cover caught my eye and so did the very first words.

This story is totally different from my usual preference because when I read I want to escape. I don't want to be reminded of reality, per say and yet, this writer managed to turn harsh, mundane daily living issues into sheer poetry. I finished the book last night and there were tears in my eyes. The feelings of sadness and joy have lingered all day long...

It seems almost appropriate that chance made me pick this book at precisely this time of the year when we are getting ready to sit at the table with loved ones and give thanks for all we have, and try and forget all that we don't have.  I hope to hold on to the message I found in "Little Bee" not only on Thanksgiving Day, but everyday.


  1. La verdad que es fantástco cuando de pronto se coincide con un libro; con lo que cuenta.

    Tiene muy buena pinta por lo que dices, ( te confieso que hago muy parecido a tí, suelo fiarme primero del título y luego de la portada... y despus me gusta leer páginas al azar, para ver si lo que hay dentro y su estilo narrativo me gustan.)

    Voy a fiarme de tí, y tratar de encontrarlo, necesito una inyección literaria que me reconforte éstos días ... ( he visto que va a ser llevada al cine, con Nicole Kidman de "prota") Trataré de buscarla a ver si está traducida aquí.

    Un besito grande, Alina. Y gracias por la info

  2. Hola Femme, Ojala lo encuentres y que te guste tanto como a mi. No sabia que iban a llevar la historia al cine! Sin duda Nicole Kidman estara perfecta para el rol principal.
    Hasta pronto. Un abrazo xx


Albert Schweitzer said "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit" I thank you all!