"I've been letting my mind wonder at night. My thoughts should have a curfew." Am Kidd

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A child's dream

(Image Source: Kemal Kamil Photo.net)

A child's dream by Rexa Lamaar

A child’s life is very simple. 
They do not want a lot. 
They want to explore and be stuffed with knowledge to feed their curiosity. They want to see all the individual green strands of grass reaching up to the pastel blue sky.
They want to live.    
Hope your day is filled with the magic of a child's dream...


  1. Alina,
    This post melted my heart because children are very special people, indeed. You always have the sweetest pictures, and I love this verse, A child's dream.

    I hope the new year is being good to you, my dear.


  2. How magical and so very true...the pure beauty of being a child...thanks for inspiring sparkles today...awesome!! Children are such wise messengers ..they truly live life!
    hugs friend...
    Have a wonderful wkd ahead!

  3. I just came across this and I must say I am honoured that you felt my poem to be of such significance you would post about it.

    I am thoroughly honoured. I would love to talk to you and ask your opinion on my work :)

  4. Good topic, this is going to help a lot of people get the whole concept
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Albert Schweitzer said "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit" I thank you all!